During the course of the seminar, BMSiconnect keeps you in sync with the presenter by making sure that the PowerPoint frame and the User guide frame are identical with what the presenter is discussing. No work is required on your part to maintain this sync.
There are times, however, when you would like to pause the sync and work on something that the presenter is not discussing. For a couple of examples, think about these:
• | The presenter is discussing a topic for which you have no interest, like proton therapy. |
• | You want to make a comment on a specific User Guide page. |
What you must do in these cases is Pause the sync. This allows the presenter to continue with their presentation, but breaks the sync between you and the presenter. Your slide view and your User Guide view on your device do not change when you go into Pause Mode. To change from Sync Mode into Pause Mode, you click on the "You are in Sync Mode" phrase (including the icon) and your Mode changes to Pause Mode. To reverse the change, click on the "You are in Pause Mode") phrase. You'll notice that the phrase and icon change every time you click.
There are other ways to switch from Sync Mode to Pause Mode.
• | Clicking inside the Comments frame will automatically put you in Pause Mode. This allows you to make any Comment about the User guide page you're on. When you finish with your Comment, press the Save button. You'll find a larger discussion in the Managing Notes topic. |
• | Navigating away from the page you're on will put you in Pause Mode. Navigations such as viewing the Table of Contents, moving between pages by using the navigation arrows and performing a Search are all examples of triggers that will put you in Pause Mode. |
To move from Pause Mode to Sync Mode will happen as soon as you click the "You are in Pause Mode" link. The sole exception to this is when you have completed a Note (by pressing the Save button) without navigating away from the page you were synced with. Remember, moving from Pause to Sync will re-align both your User Guide and PowerPoint frames with the presenter. Your Notes frame will display any Notes previously made on the new synced page.